eed a Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation but don’t want to send your personnel to our office? No worries.
We created the ClearPath™ Fitness-for-Duty Program just for you.
Public Safety Medical will work collaboratively with your department and the employee’s physician to plan the best path to evaluate the employee and determine their ability to perform their essential job duties. We comply with national and professional standards and guidelines.
Our goal is not to replace the treating healthcare provider, but rather to establish a team approach that will benefit from our experience in applying our process to over 7,500 public safety personnel. No travel to our office by the employee is necessary.
Please click here for a printable brochure on the ClearPath™ program.
Click here if you’d like to speak with a Public Safety Medical representative about Return-to-Work or Fitness-for-Duty evaluations.
Click here to request an appointment for a Fitness-for-Duty evaluation.